Effect of summer and winter seasons on egg abnormalities of outdoor rearing some native chicken strains

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Research Paper 01/03/2018
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Effect of summer and winter seasons on egg abnormalities of outdoor rearing some native chicken strains

Faris A. Al-Obaidi, Shahrazad MJ Al-Shadeedi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 3), 220-225, March 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


This study aimed to identify the effect of season on egg abnormalities of some native chickens (Native strains: brown, barred and white). These chicken strains were outdoor reared. A total of 600 eggs of native chicken (300 eggs in summer and 300 eggs in winter), 200 eggs per strain were freshly laid collected from different traditional poultry farms west of Baghdad city during 2017. All collected egg of each strain were separated according to shape, size and shell structure. Results revealed that significant chicken strains differences (P<0.05) were found in the percentage values of egg shape abnormalities. White chicken strain had the highest percentage of egg shape abnormalities (11%) whereas Barred and Brown chicken strains were low (9 and 5% respectively). No significant chicken strains differences were found in the percentage values of egg shape and egg structure abnormalities. Significant differences (P<0.05) were found in the percentage values of egg abnormalities due to season. For all studied chicken strains abnormalities were high in summer compared with winter season and all were classified in the categories of minor abnormalities (+).


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