Ethnomedical herb from Cikondang indigenous village, district Bandung West Java Indonesia

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Research Paper 01/02/2015
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Ethnomedical herb from Cikondang indigenous village, district Bandung West Java Indonesia

Billyardi Ramdhan, Tatik Chikmawati, Eko Baroto Waluyo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 2), 277-288, February 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The research reported here is part of a comprehensive investigation of Cikondangs ethnobotany. The objective of this study was to determine the community knowledge in using plants for medicine and healing agent in Cikondang Indigenous Village, district Bandung. Emic and ethical approaches were used to describe the community knowledge along with the scientific explanations. The data of community knowledge in using plants for medicine and healing agent was collected from respondents as many as 87 families and 4 key informants through interview techniques. The medicinal plants were identified in Herbarium Bogoriense-LIPI Biology Research Centre. The Cikondang community uses as many as 68 species belong to 39 families for medicinal plants, and Zingiberaceae is the most widely family used. Eight plant parts ,that are used for the treatment, were root, tuber, rhizome, stem, bark, leaves, flowers, and fruit. Leaves are the most widely used plant parts for treatment (29 species). People use several methods to prepare herbs, by boiling, brewing, grinding, squeezing out, shredding, burning, and without proccessing. The most widely used method was boiling the materials (37 species). Based on the disease type, Cikondang community classified four groups of disease, i.e. external, internal, digestive, respiratory, reproductive and urogenital diseases. The external diseases used the most numerous herbs (25 species).


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