Comparative assessment of nutritional status among children of three tribal populations of Rangamati District, Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/01/2013
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Comparative assessment of nutritional status among children of three tribal populations of Rangamati District, Bangladesh

Pratul Dipta Somadder, Md.Masud Rana, Aysha Ferdoushi, Sonia Tamanna, Shah Adil Ishtiyaq Ahmad, Murshida Khanam
Int. J. Biosci.3( 1), 142-149, January 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Bangladesh is a densely populated country of South East Asia that has a rich tribal presence. There are about 58 tribal groups living in different parts of the country. It has 1.2 million tribal people, which is just above one percent of the total population. This paper deals with the assessment of nutritional status through anthropometric indices in children of three tribal populations of Bilaichari Union at Rangamati District. The survey covered a random sample of 210 children among three tribal groups (Tanchangya, Marma, Chakma).This study deals with the assessment of nutritional status through BMI for aged, Weight for age and Height for age among tribal children. Majority of them were thin and lean with medium to short stature. BMI was found among male Chakma (16.94kg/m2) and Tanchangya female (17.13kg/m2) of 11-12 age range. The well nourished children among Marma Tanchangya and Chakma were 27.9%, 40.7% and 31.4%. The 1st degree malnourished among three groups was 34%, 29.8% and 36.2%. The 2nd degree malnourished among those three tribal groups was 46.7%.23.3% and 30%. It also revealed that Tanchanga children were better nourished and the Marma children were more 2nd degree malnourished. By analysis of all statically analysis it is clearly seen that, out of 3 tribal groups Tanchangya group are healthier than others but compare to ideal nutritional status none of this tribal groups are well nourished.


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