Cancellation/Withdrawal and Refund Policy


Withdrawal policy
INNSpub journals are committed to upholding the publication ethics and providing high-quality articles to advance the intellectual agenda. We anticipate authors to follow the publication ethics as well as the quality of their articles, for consideration once an academic or scientific paper has been published by a journal; it’s sometimes too late, once peer review is completed on that manuscript (which can often happen within a week), and it has been worked into a journal issue, we have incurred costs on our end that need to be reimbursed for why authors are free to withdraw an article at no charge; as long as it is withdrawn within 03-07 days of its original submission. If the author wishes to withdraw the article after 07 days, it will be subjected to payment of a partial processing fee. Each submission costs the publisher a certain amount along with overhead costs during processing. So the authors need to pay 60 % of the original article processing fee in case of withdrawal.

Cancellation publication
The corresponding author must inform about the cancellation (withdrawal) of the article before the acceptance from the International Network for Natural Sciences (INNSpub) and the cancellation (withdrawal) should be before 07 days from sending the article or submission. If the corresponding author fails to withdraw (Cancellation) the article before 07 days, he/she needs to pay a minim charge for cancellation (withdrawal. If the paper has been accepted, then the corresponding author needs to pay the charges before publication.

In case, when the article has been published and there is a breach in the research or the conduct of the author, the INNSpub has all rights to retract the article and no refund will be provided. If any author wants to retract the article there will be no refund in article processing charges from INNSpub.

In very rare circumstances, we may decide that a preprint needs to be removed from the site altogether. In these cases, the preprint is replaced with text indicating that the preprint has been removed. Wherever possible, the title and author list will persist.

Refund policy
Overall when INNSpub found a withdrawal or cancellation request that will allow or reject with consideration of the matters as Accepted withdrawal or Cancellation request

  • The refund is full & you will get your money back if the paper does not reach the reviewing stage.
  • Wrongly deposited money or extra deposit money will be returned back within a week if the respective author informs us within 14 days after the date of the money deposit.
  • Refunds will proceed through the online mode in 07-14 working days.
  • If you are not 100% satisfied with your subscription purchase, you can return it for a refund of the unused portion or exchange the product for another one, be it similar or not.

Rejected withdrawal or cancellation request

  • There are no refunds or cancellation of debts if the paper is removed due to copyright infringement claims.
  • There are no refunds or cancellation of debts if the author withdraws his or her paper from consideration; or if he or she declines to revise and resubmit.
  • There are no refunds or cancellation of debts, once the paper is published.
  • No Refund will be issued if the author wishes to cancel the publication with us after completing the payment and final submission/after the publication process.
  • After publishing the issue/indexing author can’t make the correction in the article. After publishing the issue/indexing, if the author wants to correction in the article he/she has to pay extra as per changes in the article.

Few of the authors request withdrawal of the manuscript from the publication process after submission or after publication. In some instances, the request for withdrawal is made when the manuscript is only a few days away from publication in the journal. Manuscripts (articles) once is published online shall be withdrawn with a penalty paid to the editorial office of INNSpub.

| Journals | Author Guideline | Submission |