Genetic polymorphism within the wild population of Rhynchosia himalensis Benth. ex Baker

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Genetic polymorphism within the wild population of Rhynchosia himalensis Benth. ex Baker

Muhammad Khalil Ullah Khan, Noor Muhammad, Nisar Uddin, Niaz Ali, Ikram Khan, Rahim Ullah
Int. J. Biosci.14( 3), 54-64, March 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The importance of plant genetic diversity is now being recognized as a specific area since exploding population with urbanization and decreasing cultivable lands are the critical factors contributing to food insecurity in developing world and are also helpful in conservation planning strategies of threatened plant species. For this purpose thirty genotypes of Rhynchosia himalensis were collected from the different areas of Swat and were assessed for morphometric and for SDS-PAGE and this study revealed that genetic assortment were present at both morphological and molecular levels. The intraspecific variations were present among the genotypes. The examined morphological data (which includes quantitative and qualitative data) exposed that variation was present among the genotypes of above specie. Likewise it was found that two alleles were responsible in controlling leaf color, leaf upper surface with Emerald green 70% and leaf lower surface with 30% yellow green. Other leaf color was 70% Moss green and 30% white respectively. 100% seeds were flat shape. The seed color was found to be brown for all of the genotypes, Hillum color was found to be yellow. Seed texture was of two types Rough and Smooth. The rough was 60% and Smooth was of 40%.The seed storage protein profiles of twenty R. himalensis genotypes   were studied for SDS-PAGE and total seed storage proteins were best resoluted on 12% polyacrylamide Gel. A total of 9 reproducible bands with molecular weight ranging from 10 to 180kDa were detected. The genotypes were distributed into two Regions R-I, R-II and R-III. Based on the intraspecific locus variation among 30 genotypes of R. himalensis L-3, L-6 and L-8 were monomorphic and the locus contribution toward genetic disagreement (LCTGD) of Rhynchosia himalensis was 33.333%. Further investigation is required for genetic diversity in the R. himalensis.


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