RAPD based genetic diversity analysis among wild and cultivated genotypes of Sarcandra glabra

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Research Paper 01/02/2018
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RAPD based genetic diversity analysis among wild and cultivated genotypes of Sarcandra glabra

Zhao Neng, PanYongguang, Hu Yang, Jiang hongtao, Mo Yunchuan, Babar Usman, Liu Pingwu, Ye Yanping
Int. J. Biosci.12( 2), 117-125, February 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Sarcandra glabra(S. glabra) is famous traditional medicinal herb in China, but in past years the wildgenetic resources have strongly declined so thestudy of genetic diversity and relationship among the various relativesis necessary to protect the germplasm resources. In this study, the genetic diversity among 9 accessions of S. glabrafrom different regions was analyzed by using therandom-amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markersand the genetic relationship was revealed by cluster analysis and correlation coefficient analysis. Polymerase chain reactions were performed for 22 RAPD primers.Total 117 loci were detected by 22 primers and the amplified bands ranged from 3 to 9 with an average of 5.32 bands per pair of primer. There were 87 polymorphic and 30 monomorphic sites accounted for all genotypes and 74.36% polymorphism was found. The clusters were greatly associated with the origins and the morphologic characters of the tested germplasm.The genetic similarity coefficients between provenances ranged from 0.513 to 0.889.Clusterdiagram divides 9 samples into two categoriesrevealed that many years of domestication between different provenances and geographical distance has no significant correlation between wild and cultivated species. TheGenetic difference between populations was normal, and the estimation of gene flow between populations was low. RAPD markers were effective for all populations and exhibited a high level of polymorphism.  The genetic distance between resources gives useful information to guide parent selection for breeding program.


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