Use of rejects of date palm factories to bakery yeast production

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Use of rejects of date palm factories to bakery yeast production

Mohammed Ahmad Bkary, Abd-El-Rahman Metwaly, IhebChakroun, Muneeruddin Syed, Hesham Sayed Ghazzawy
Int. J. Biosci.12( 6), 269-274, June 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


In this paper, we aim to study different compositions from Rejects from date palm factories and with mix percentage to improve its use as alternative in baker yeast production. We used different date meat and date seed mixtures (from 0% to 100% of each component) as a commercial bakery yeast incubation media and PDA Media as a control. Different official methods (Stirring, plate count and Spectroscopic) were used to read results. Different date meat and date seed mixtures give various results. these results depend to physicochemestry composition and we found that the mixtures (75% date meat+25% date seed) is the best media to give an optimal bakery yeast production througt yeast colony number and absorbance after incubation. This best mixture is the nearest to palm date and to the real composition of date factories Rejects.

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