Economic yield potential of different hybrid varieties/cultivars of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under semi-arid conditions

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Economic yield potential of different hybrid varieties/cultivars of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under semi-arid conditions

Saman Maqbool, Liaquat Ali, Wajiha Anum, Ammarah Maqbool, Madiha mobeen khan, Imtiaz Ali, Umair nisar, Mashal Rehman
Int. J. Biosci.12( 6), 497-502, June 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


A two-year field trial (2014-2016) was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of cultivating sunflower hybrid cultivars/varieties under semi-arid conditions of Pakistan. Nine hybrid cultivars/varieties, i.e. LG-5658, AG-SUN-8251, FSS-60, SY-4045, SMH-0917, US-444, KSF-777, Aftab-12 and Hysun-33 were grown in field area of Regional Agricultural Research Institute, Bahawalpur for two consecutive years. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications with a plot size of 3×7 m. All cultivars were assessed for yield potential in terms of plant population, plant height (cm), head diameter (cm), number of achenes head-1, seed index (g), 1000 grain weight (g), achene yield/ha (Kg). Statistical analysis of data showed significant differences for all parameters except plant population plot-1 during year 2014. Among cultivars, AG-SUN-8251 exhibited maximum plant population and plant height following KSF-777. After hysun-33, maximum number of achenes were recorded in KSF-777 following AG-SUN-8251. In case of seed index and 1000 achenes weight, LG-5658 stood best among cultivars. However, maximum yield per hectare was found in cultivar AG-SUN-8251 after Hysun-33 for both consecutive years.

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