Characterization and antibiogram study of microbes involved in subclinical mastitis at Sylhet region

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Characterization and antibiogram study of microbes involved in subclinical mastitis at Sylhet region

Abu Sufian Sakib, Moushumi Purkayastha, A.T.M. Mahbub-E-Elahi, Mohammed Kawser Hossain, Sultan Ahmed, Mousuf Ahmed Chowdhury
Int. J. Biosci.13( 1), 234-241, July 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Subclinical mastitis is a common infectious disease of cow caused by different kinds of bacteria and fungi .In each year the dairy industry is suffered a great economic losses due to subclinical mastitis. So it is essential to investigate about causal agents and which drug works well in subclinical mastitis. This research aims to determine what organisms are responsible for subclinical mastitis as well as antimicrobial susceptibility of subclinical mastitis milk samples. The present study was conducted from January to June, 2017 to determine presence of microbes responsible to subclinical mastitis (Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Escherichia coli, Aspergillus spp and Candida spp) in 103 California Mastitis Test (CMT) positive quarter samples collected from 59 dairy cows in 11 different dairy farms located in Sylhet region of Bangladesh. The prevalence of CMT positive quarter samples was 24.75%(103/416).Through culturing on Nutrient agar, Mannitol Salt agar, Eosin Methylene Blue agar, Edward’s media, Blood agar, Mac Conkey agar, Sabouraud  Dextrose Agar and  Indole, Voges-Proskauer, Methyl-Red, Citrate, Triple Sugar Iron test of  CMT positive samples, five  isolates were showed the positive result, these were:- S. aureus (80/103,77.66%), Strept. agalactiae (72/103,69.9%), E. coli (10/103,9.7%), Aspergillus spp (70/103,67.96%), Candida spp( 15/103,14.56%). Antibiotic susceptibility of the CMT positive samples was investigated by disc diffusion method. Ampicillin, Amoxycillin were resistance to 95% samples. Gentamycin, Ciprofloxacin, Trimethoprim-sulphamethazole, Tetracycline  were highly susceptible to above  90% samples.  Results of sensitivity to other antibiotics were varied. According this research work, S. aureus, S. agalactiae,  Aspergillus spp are mainly responsible for subclinical mastitis and Gentamycin, Ciprofloxacin, Tetracycline  will be  suggested for treatment of subclinical mastitis since these antibiotics showed higher sensitivity than other antibiotics.

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