Perception and aspiration of visitors to the development of ekowisata meranti putih (EMP) in Sebelimbingan Village Subdistrict Pulau Laut Utara Kotabaru District Province South Kalimantan
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Perception and aspiration of visitors to the development of ekowisata meranti putih (EMP) in Sebelimbingan Village Subdistrict Pulau Laut Utara Kotabaru District Province South Kalimantan
Ecotourism Meranti Putih (EMP) is one of ecotourism areas located in South Kalimantan, precisely in Kecamatan Pulau Laut Utara Kabupaten Kotabaru. Kotabaru regency government is currently developing the EMP area located in Sebelimbingan Village North Sea Island Subdistrict with the concept of ecotourism tourism in the form of Meranti forest area of ± 8w,5ha located on the slopes of Mount Sebatung with an altitude of 200-700mdpl and the conservation of fauna in the form of breeding animals of deer timor and deer totol. The objective of this research is to analyze the potential of EMP. The method used in this research is with observation techniques, interviews with the visitors who visit the EMP. With ecotourism activities they acknowledge the formation of a sustainable environment. As many as 7 people (87.5%) people believe that ecotourism is a step that can preserve the environment. The result of this study is that the perception of ecotourism is a step to preserve the environment, they would strongly disagree if there is someone or a visitor coming to EMP to do an action that could damage the environment or tourist attraction. With the EMP was a positive impact for the people around the EMP area. They argue that the EMP area can increase their income by selling. With the EMP, can increase the village crowd.
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Frida Yusiana, Mahrus Aryadi, Hafizianor, Deny Fakhriza (2018), Perception and aspiration of visitors to the development of ekowisata meranti putih (EMP) in Sebelimbingan Village Subdistrict Pulau Laut Utara Kotabaru District Province South Kalimantan; JBES, V13, N1, July, P158-164
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