Evaluation of viable selection criteria at the seedling stage in corn genotypes to forecast water stress tolerance

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Research Paper 01/01/2021
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Evaluation of viable selection criteria at the seedling stage in corn genotypes to forecast water stress tolerance

Zia-Ud-Din Khan, Ijaz Rasool Noorka, Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar
Int. J. Biosci.18( 1), 46-52, January 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Drought is the only factor which causes a more drastic effect on crop plant. Corn is a drought-sensitive crop their yield is influenced at every single phase of growth and development by limited water availability. Corn. A total of 90 accessions were screened and evaluated at different water levels 100% (T1), 40% (T2) and 30% (T3) of field capacity (FC). Evaluation of corn genotypes was done against six seedling parameters (root length, shoot length, fresh root weight, fresh shoot weight, dry root weight and dry shoot weight). The analysis of variance indicated that all the traits under all water levels revealed significantly and the principal component analysis depicted diverse results for different treatments. The results showed that the genotypes  Lala Musa, Akbar, Sahiwal-2002, Sultan, Pearl, 15005,15077,14972,15110 under 100% FC level performed well and genotypes 14933,15023,14968,15055, 15005, MMRI yellow, Lala Musa, Pearl, Akbar, Akhgoti, 15067 and Sultan under 40% FC and the genotypes  Desi Fsd, 15075, Lala Musa, 14930, 14976, 15132, 15048, Sultan and 15005 performed best in 30% FC. Some corn genotypes Akhgoti, Lala Musa, Sultan, and 15005 performed better under all three water levels. The information on seedling parameters is best suited to screen viable genotypes for baseline information for on-ward corn breeding and research programs on water stress tolerance.


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