Optimization of best dose of chitosan to Mitigate stress-induced toxic effects of salinity and Nickel in rose

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Research Paper 01/07/2021
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Optimization of best dose of chitosan to Mitigate stress-induced toxic effects of salinity and Nickel in rose

Tehseen Ashraf, Zahoor Hussain
Int. J. Biosci.19( 1), 8-23, July 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Rose is the most important ornamental flower and the main issue responsible for low rose yield is salinity and heavy metal stress. In this study, the best dose of chitosan was optimized to mitigate the stress-induced toxic effects of salinity and nickel in rose. Two resistant (Superstar, Blue moon) and two sensitive (King’s ransom, Sterling silver) rose cultivars were sown in pots and after 60 days, salinity and nickel-stress were applied at intervals to avoid osmotic shock. Different doses of chitosan were sprayed on the plants 30 days after the induction of stress. A total of six treatments including control, salinity (6dSm-1), Nickle (100 M) and different concentrations of chitosan (50-200 mgL-1) were used. Complete randomized design (CRD) with three replicates was followed and data was collected for root shoots of fresh and dry biomass and leaf area. All data were statistically analyzed by the Statistix 8.1 software. The results show that the tested rose cultivars responded positively to the exogenous application of chitosan under stress conditions. The best chitosan dose (150 mgL-1) was found among all the treatments. Blue moon has proven to be a salt-tolerant cultivar that can be grown in salinity-prone soils without compromising aesthetic appearance or productivity. Superstar is Ni tolerant and ideal for growing in Nickel-rich soils. Chitosan can be used as a promising bio-stimulator to improve roses’ ability to withstand salt and Ni stress.

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