Field evaluation of some cowpea genotypes for resistance to the Cercospora leaf spot disease in Northern Ghana

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Research Paper 01/08/2021
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Field evaluation of some cowpea genotypes for resistance to the Cercospora leaf spot disease in Northern Ghana

Frederick Kankam, Theophilus Kwabla Tengey, Isaac Boatey Akpatsu
Int. J. Biosci.19( 2), 72-81, August 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Cercospora leaf spot infection during flowering, podding, and pod filling stages of cowpea has been reported to cause as high as 80% yield losses among susceptible genotypes. The objectives of this study were to evaluate selected cowpea genotypes for resistance to Cercospora leaf spot disease under field conditions and to determine the impact of the disease on yield and its associated components on cowpea. Twenty-five (25) cowpea genotypes were evaluated for resistance to the Cercospora leaf spot disease under field conditions in Northern Ghana. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications at both Nyankpala and Yendi. Agronomic data and cercospora disease scores were taken. The results revealed that four genotypes; IT10K-817-3, IT13K-1070-2, IT14-2112-1 and IT86D-610 were slightly resistant to the disease. IT14K-1682-2 and IT14K-1682-3 were susceptible to the disease whilst the remaining nineteen genotypes were moderately resistant to the Cercospora leaf spot disease. IT14K-1682-3 can be considered a tolerant line as it yields appreciably although it showed susceptibility to the disease. The different categories of resistance identified among the cowpea genotypes will be useful in breeding for resistance to Cercospora disease in cowpea.

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