AP2/EREBP transcription factor family genes are differentially expressed in rice seedlings during infections with different viruses

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Research Paper 01/03/2017
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AP2/EREBP transcription factor family genes are differentially expressed in rice seedlings during infections with different viruses

A. M. Sharoni, M. Nuruzzaman, M. A. Rahman, R. Karim, A. K. M. R. Islam, MM. Hossain, M. M. Rahman, M. S. Parvez, F. M. A. Haydar, M. Nasiruddin, S. Kikuchi
Int. J. Biosci.10( 3), 1-14, March 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


AP2/EREBP transcription factor family members are important regulators of plant growth, development, and biotic stress responses. Expression profiles of the 147 AP2/EREBP gene family members were studied in rice infected with Rice transitory yellowing virus (RTYV) and Rice dwarf virus (RDV strains, RDV-D84, RDV-O, and RDV-S. Microarray analysis showed that 30% of the OsAP2/EREBP genes were differentially regulated during virus infection compared with the control. Rice infected with either RDV-S showed the highest number of up-regulated OsAP2/EREBP genes, while RTYV infected plants had the lowest. These results correlate with the severity of the syndromes induced by the different viruses. Three of the five genes in the RAV subfamily and B5 subgroup were more highly expressed during RDV-S and RDV-O virus infections, while all of the genes in the DREB subfamily or A1 to A6, B3 and B4 subgroups were down-regulated during RTYV infection, suggesting roles in response to virus infection. The number of genes activated during RDV infections was greatest during infection with the S-strain, followed by the D84-strain and the O-strain, with three OsAP2/EREBP genes up-regulated during infection by all three strains. A common set of 3 genes (Os04g46220, Os05g39590, and Os07g22730) showed higher expression during infection by at least three different viruses, of which, Os04g46220 showed up-regulation during infection with all viruses.


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