Assessment of genotoxicity and nephrotoxicity induced by copper nanoparticles and copper (II) oxide in Cyprinus carpio

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Research Paper 01/07/2017
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Assessment of genotoxicity and nephrotoxicity induced by copper nanoparticles and copper (II) oxide in Cyprinus carpio

Aasma Noureen, Farhat Jabeen, Sajid Yaqub, Muhammad Fakhr e Alam
Int. J. Biosci.11( 1), 360-371, July 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Nanotechnological research has become a significant priority worldwide, but the adverse effects of these nanoparticles on the organisms have recently drawn much attention. Therefore, the study was aimed to assess the toxic effects of different doses of waterborne copper nanoparticles (Cu-NPs) and copper II oxide (CuO) on the DNA damage and kidney histology in C. carpio. For this purpose, the sub-lethal dose (0.5 or 1 or 1.5 mg/l) of Cu-NPs and Cu-BS was given to C. carpio for a period of 14 days. At the end of the experiment the toxicity of Cu-NPs and Cu-BS was determined by measuring the micronuclei and histology of kidney. The results revealed that Cu-NPs treated groups showed more DNA damage as compared to CuO treated groups. More nuclear abnormalities were recorded in C. carpio exposed to the higher dose of Cu-NPs and CuO. Dose-dependent histological alterations in fish kidney were observed in all treatment groups as compared to control group. Overall, there was non-significant (p>0.05) difference between Cu-NPs and CuO treatment, whereas highly significant (p<0.001) differences were observed in C. carpio exposed to different doses of Cu-NPs and CuO between and within the groups. Further research is suggested to estimate the chronic exposure of Cu-NPs and CuO.

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