Generation and composition analysis of municipal solid waste (MSW) in District Shopian Kashmir, J & K, India

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Research Paper 01/08/2022
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Generation and composition analysis of municipal solid waste (MSW) in District Shopian Kashmir, J & K, India

Ahsan Ul Haq Ahrar, Manglesh Kumar Jawalkar, A. H. Sofi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.21( 2), 1-10, August 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


The present investigation is an attempt to explore the composition, characteristics, and generation rate of municipal solid waste in the Shopian (J&K) by selecting five different sites. The study revealed that the average residential municipal waste generation rates differed among sites. Daily, Site II recorded highest amount of waste generation 170.3 kg/day and minimum of 48.56 kg/day was recorded at SV. According to the seasons, summer has the biggest amount of daily waste generation 320.3 kg/day to a minimum of 98.3 kg in winter. The rate of waste generation per capita varied, ranging from 0.521 kg/capita/day (SII) to 0.3455 kg/capita/day (SV). The per capita waste generation rate was observed to change seasonally, ranging from 0.6589 kg/capita/day in the summer to 0.306 kg/capita/day in the winter. The average municipal solid waste composition of municipalities at different sites, based on the geographical scale: SI, SII, SIII, SIV, and SV. SII had the highest food waste proportion, followed by SI and the other locations. The waste fractions of paper and cardboard were greater at SIV, whereas the rest of the fractions followed a similar trend across sites. The % by weight (composition) of municipal garbage varied insignificantly among seasons (F= 2.33E-06, P=1) and sites (F= 9.15E-08, P=1), according to an analysis of variance test. The study also revealed that the proportion of flammable material in municipal solid trash ranged from 95% at SII to 83 % at SIII, whereas the percentage of non-combustible material in municipal solid waste ranged from 18% at SIII to 5% at SII. Seasonally, the combustible material percentage of the municipal solid waste ranged from 89 % in spring to 88% in all other seasons. Analysis of variance showed insignificant variation in % of combustible and non-combustible material content across different seasons (F=0.0328, P=0.895) and significant across sites (F=3.76, P=0.003).

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