Traditional ecological knowledge and plant utilization by Mpur tribe’s in Kebar, West Papua Province, Indonesia

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Research Paper 30/04/2022
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Traditional ecological knowledge and plant utilization by Mpur tribe’s in Kebar, West Papua Province, Indonesia

Budi Prasetyo, Simon Sutarno
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 4), 80-87, April 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Traditional ecological knowledge has an important role in the preservation of biodiversity. The ability of traditional communities in managing the natural resources and the environment was based on the experiences that slowly grow within a long span of time. The aim of this research is to reveal the traditional ecological knowledge of the Mpur tribe in interacting with the environment around where they live in order to survive. The method used is ethnodirected sampling. To determine the level of importance of environmental units used the Pebble Distribution Method (PDM), in addition to assessing useful plants based on the culture of the Mpur tribe, the calculation uses the Cultural Significance Index (ICS) formula. The result of the observation has found nine types of units there were closely related and effected on the life aspect of Mpur tribe. The nine types of units were: forest (nirau), the new farms (bain bak), old farms (bain sunu), former farms (bain tub), grasslands (niku), rivers (war), swamp (yawau), yards (jandir), and village. Among the environment unit types, the old farm became the area with the highest level of importance as a food source for Mpur tribe. The results of the ICS assessment of various types of plants showed that the Arenga pinnata is a plant that has the highest value of cultural interest compared to other types.

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