Antibacterial potential of the crude extracts of Trianthema portulacastrum L.

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Research Paper 01/12/2016
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Antibacterial potential of the crude extracts of Trianthema portulacastrum L.

Annam Zikrea, Zaheer-ud-din Khan, Muhammad Waheed
Int. J. Biosci.9( 6), 19-27, December 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


The weed indigenous to Punjab belonging to family Aizoaceae namely Trianthema portulacastrum was assessed for its antibacterial perspective. The steady-state maceration used for the extract preparation established that more phytochemical contents were macerated in fruit extract. The antibacterial potential was assessed employing agar well diffusion technique for measuring zone of inhibition and verified using agar dilution scheme by analyzing Minimum Inhibitory Concentration. Antibacterial activity ranged from 13.4±0.90 to 35.9±0.46mm, with maximum potential reported by ethanol extract of stem and minimum efficacy obtained by alcoholic macerate of root against E. coli. In addition, significant MIC (1.25mg/mL) was exhibited by ethanol extract of fruit against B. subtilis, ethanol extract of stem and n-hexane extract of fruit in opposition to E. coli, chloroform extract of fruit in contradiction to P. aeruginosa and ethanol extract of fruit against S. aureus. The correlation between zones of inhibition and MIC values concluded that negative association exist between the two categories i.e. increase in the zones of inhibition lead to the decrease in MIC and vice versa.The preliminary results presented in this study put forward some potential macerates derived from T. portulacastrum. However, further studies are needed to identify and isolate the active compounds responsible for the antibacterial action.

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