Description of a new species of genus Dolichophis Gitstel from the upper Mesopotamian Plain-Iraq (Reptilia–Serpentes-Colubridae)

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Research Paper 01/04/2016
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Description of a new species of genus Dolichophis Gitstel from the upper Mesopotamian Plain-Iraq (Reptilia–Serpentes-Colubridae)

Saman R. Afrasiab, Mohammad K. Mohammad, Amer M. Hussein
J. Bio. Env. Sci.8( 4), 15-19, April 2016.
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The Whip snakes of the genus Dolechophis in Iraq are distributed in various habitats. Two species of jagularis species group was known in Iraq. Depending on great variation in color pattern and ventral scale count, a new form discovered, because of its distribution along the upper Mesopotamia we named it Dolichophis mesopotamicus sp. nov. The study supported by figures and distribution map.

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