Petrogenesis of mafic meta volcanic rocks in NW Isfahan, Central Iran

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Research Paper 01/01/2015
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Petrogenesis of mafic meta volcanic rocks in NW Isfahan, Central Iran

Zohreh Hossein Mirzaee, Ali-Khan Nasr-Esfahani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 1), 642-653, January 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The study area is located in west of Isfahan, Shahrekord-Dehsard terrene. This area is the part of Sanandaj-Sirjan structural Zone. In this area, metamorphosed igneous outcrop contain of greenschist and meta volcanic rocks. These rocks have metmorphed in greenschist facies and belong to the age of Triassic- Jurassic. The Meta volcanic is mainly composed of plagioclase, amphibole, epidote and chlorite. Geochemical data shows that parent rocks are basalt to andesitic basalt composition with subalkaline and tholeiitic trend. In the REE and trace elements spider diagrams, these similar to MORB and adapted with E-MORB. These results indicated that meta volcanic generated back arc basin volcanic subduction environment. Meta volcanic in Sahrekord – Dehsard terrene shows remnants of Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere with back arc basin environment that was subducted and uplifted to the surface.


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