Indigenous knowledge practices on management of key crop pests in Kitui West Subcounty, Kenya

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Research Paper 05/11/2022
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Indigenous knowledge practices on management of key crop pests in Kitui West Subcounty, Kenya

David Mutua Kitheka, Benjamin K. Muli
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.21( 5), 50-57, November 2022.
Certificate: IJAAR 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Sub-Saharan Africa’s subsistence agriculture is characterized by food deficits, recurrent famines, and poverty caused by irregular rainfall, deteriorating soil fertility, pests, and illnesses. Pests have not spared Kitui County’s small-scale farmers. They’ve resorted to unjustified and unregulated pesticide use. In addition to chemical exposure, there is a risk of degradation and loss of valuable Indigenous Knowledge. The current study gathered information on traditional pest management approaches in Kitui West sub-county, Kitui County, Kenya with an aim of documenting it. It included a field study using a questionnaire and a desk evaluation of current information in Kitui west. Results of the current study indicated that farmers adopt various AIK methods to manage field and storage pests. Older farmers (46.10%) are more likely to adopt indigenous pest management practices than younger farmers (0.7%). More educated farmers favored chemical pest control over less educated farmers. The current study provides valuable information which can be used by farmers and policy makers in making pest management decisions.

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