Environmental classification of physicochemical factors of groundwater as a new approach to water resource management (Case Study: Sarvestan Plain)

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Research Paper 01/07/2015
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Environmental classification of physicochemical factors of groundwater as a new approach to water resource management (Case Study: Sarvestan Plain)

Zhila Asadifar, Seyed Ali Akbar Mosavi, Mehrdad Mohammad Nia
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 1), 245-251, July 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The results of this study show that from the viewpoints of acidity and bicarbonate, the quality of groundwaters of Sarvestan Plain is within the proper limits of drinking waters as shown in Schoeler diagram, national and WHO standards. The magnesium of 26 wells is within the limit of water with permissible drinking application while it was in the unauthorized limits of 77.3 and 74.4 mg/L for well 7and 9, respectively. But in regard to Schoeler diagram, all of the wells are classified as containing water with drinking quality. The level of sodium in wells 7 and 9 with 401.1 and 335 mg/L is higher than the standards and classified as water with unsuitable quality for drinking as shown in Schoeler diagram while the remaining 26 wells are ranked as containing water with proper quality for drinking with a sodium content of less than the above standards. Due to the fact that marl, shale and evaporative formations are ubiquitous in depth and around the studied region, the movement of groundwater based on the typography of the plain, passing from geological formations containing high levels of calcium ion, absorption of sodium and magnesium as the useful metallic elements by plants and climatic conditions of the region are the most significant factors reducing the acidity and content of bicarbonate, sodium and magnesium in groundwater of Sarvestan Plain.


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