Autecology of Zataria multiflora using principal component analysis (PCA) in Fars Province, Iran

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Autecology of Zataria multiflora using principal component analysis (PCA) in Fars Province, Iran

Damoun Razmjoue, Hossein Azarnivand, Majid Ayatollahi, Mohammad Jafari, Mahmood Ghafari
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 2), 130-140, February 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Genus Zataria in Iran only has one species, named Zataria multiflora. This plant is known as “Broadleaf Thyme” or “Shirazi Thyme” in southern Iran. It is seen in the central part of south and southeastern Iran. To study the autecology of Z. multifora, data of vegetation cover including canopy cover percentage, density, frequency, plant height and production as well as physical and chemical properties of soil, climate data and physiography of the region were investigated. To determine the relationship between species and environmental factors PCA (Principle Component Analysis) was used. To determine the similarity between sites, considering various factors and applying Wards method, Euclidean distance index was used and cluster analysis (obtained dendrogram) was interpreted. Results showed that considering all factors (vegetation cover, soil and climate parameters) pH, P, and slope had the highest coefficients in the first component, while rainfall and altitude showed the highest coefficient in the second component. About 63/4% of the variation was accounted for by the first component. According to the site ranking charts, Zarrindasht site showed significant differences with Lar and Neyriz sites. According to the results of cluster analysis, a similarity of 94.4% was obtained for Lar and Neyriz sites.

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