Design of a mobile mini crane for loading to truck to reduce damage to fresh fruit loans (FFB) during transport

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Research Paper 10/01/2023
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Design of a mobile mini crane for loading to truck to reduce damage to fresh fruit loans (FFB) during transport

Agung Cahyo Legowo, Arief RM Akbar, Abdul Ghofur, Hermantoro
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.22( 1), 11-19, January 2023.
Certificate: IJAAR 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The design of the Mobile Mini Crane (MMC) prototype begins with the collection and testing of materials to make the crane frame. The motor used is a cargo motor manufactured viar Karya 300, and uses a 14 HP diesel engine which is used to run the hydraulic system. The prototype was tested by means of a test bench, net capacity test and field test. The MMC prototype can carry a load of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) with a max capacity of 400kg/lift, and from an economic perspective, MMC’s operational costs are Rp. 20.95,-/kg whereas when compared with manual labor it is Rp. 25,-/Kg. and from the statistical test results, the results of the analysis showed that the amount of FFB lifted was not different but the transportation time was different, the average manual FFB transport was 6,164 (1.7 minutes) per TPH while with MMC it was 4,988 (1,7 minutes). 3 minutes) and the average lifting weight manually is 172kg and using MMC 234kg. besides that it also minimizes work accidents, speeds up the loading of FFB onto trucksand reduce FFB damage during transport. Ergonomically it is able to reduce the risk of work accidents and from an economic point of view it is very effective and efficient.

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