Development of pisciculture as a source of livelihood: A case study in no. 4 Borghuli Village of Nagaon District, Assam (India)

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Research Paper 04/03/2023
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Development of pisciculture as a source of livelihood: A case study in no. 4 Borghuli Village of Nagaon District, Assam (India)

Niha Dutta, Bhawana Sharma, Dr. Nitashree Mili, Krishna Priya Gogoi
Int. J. Biosci.22( 3), 12-23, March 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Being a riverine state, the rearing of fish is a crucial economic activity in the land of Assam.  Its rich water resources in the form of wetlands, beels, ponds, tanks, extensive two major river systems the Brahmaputra and the Barak can be a focal point for the development of pisciculture.  Fisheries have a great economic value due to its contribution towards strengthening the local economy by providing immense employment opportunities for unemployed youths.  In this regard, a geographical attempt is made through this paper to study about the development of pisciculture with special reference to economic and livelihood pattern of the fishermen of No.4 Borghuli village of Nagaon district.  GIS and GPS techniques are used to observe the various factors that affecting the development of pisciculture in the study area.  An estimated 50% dwellers engaged in the pisciculture is a positive sign towards socio-economic development of the study region.  Along with its favourable factors if the study area gets the benefits of the Govt.’s schemes in proper way then there is no second thought that it will become a hub of fish production in near future within the state of Assam.

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