Assessment of anti-cancer property of Syzygium cumini seed extract in MDA-MB-231 cell line

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Research Paper 05/06/2023
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Assessment of anti-cancer property of Syzygium cumini seed extract in MDA-MB-231 cell line

A. Antilin Salomi, S. Mabel Parimala
Int. J. Biosci.22( 6), 1-12, June 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers for women that begin in breast tissue. Every year 2.2 million women are affected by this type of cancer. Many therapies are available to treat cancer, including radiotherapy, surgery, chemotherapy and mastectomy. Biological therapy includes herbs, dietary supplements and traditional medicine systems whose advantages are applicability, affordability, therapeutic efficacy and no side effects. The present study aimed to investigate the in vitro anti-cancer activity of Syzygium cumini seed ethanol and hexane extracts against MDA-MB-231(metastatic human breast cancer cell line). We performed MTT assay to evaluate the cytotoxicity, DNA fragmentation assay to determine apoptosis, AO/PI dual staining to detect apoptotic morphological changes and mitochondrial membrane potential to assess the mitochondrial function. Our MTT results with five different concentrations (50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 µg/ml) of the hexane and ethanol extracts show promising cancer cell toxicity with IC50 values of 142 µg/ ml and 195 µg/ml for ethanol and hexane extract, respectively. Agarose gel electrophoresis for DNA fragmentation documents smear that indicates extensive DNA damage in the extract-treated cancer cells. AO/PI fluorescence stain in IC50-treated cells exposes apoptotic changes as observed in early and late apoptotic stages and the presence of few necrotic cells. Rhodamine-123 stain with its decreased green fluorescence in IC50-treated cells is evidence of the breakdown of the mitochondrial membrane due to enhanced reactive oxygen species. Our study, therefore, concludes that S. cumini seed can be a novel source to explore for anti-cancer therapy.

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