Evaluating the water quality of key freshwater source in Alubijid, Misamis Oriental, Philippines

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Research Paper 11/06/2023
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Evaluating the water quality of key freshwater source in Alubijid, Misamis Oriental, Philippines

Ronnie L. Besagas, Romeo M. Del Rosario, Girlie D. Leopoldo, Noel T. Dael, Antonio Y. Asoy
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 6), 122-126, June 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


This study aimed to assess the water quality of a major freshwater source in Alubijid, Philippines, with the objective of ensuring safe and reliable freshwater resources for human consumption. The rationale behind this research was the critical importance of accessible and uncontaminated water for sustaining human health and well-being. To achieve this, the study employed a comprehensive approach, analyzing various parameters including physico-chemical characteristics, heavy metals, and microbial indicators. The results of the analysis indicated that the majority of physico-chemical parameters fell within the established standards, ensuring compliance with water quality guidelines. However, the total hardness levels approached the maximum limit defined by the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (PNSDW), suggesting that the water could be classified as hard. The levels of heavy metals and other metals remained within safe ranges, with the exception of some uncertainty surrounding antimony due to the detection limit of the employed method. Regarding microbial quality, although one out of four samples tested positive for E. coli, indicating a slight concern, the overall microbial status was relatively acceptable. The presence of total coliforms was noted in all samples but at low levels, signifying a manageable risk. Additionally, it was highlighted that the water underwent chlorine treatment prior to distribution, enhancing its suitability for drinking purposes.

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