Effect of haricot bean varieties (Phaseolus vulgaris)- Camelina (Camelina sativa L) intercropping on yield and yield component over monocropping system of Hosanna, Ethiopia

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Research Paper 10/07/2023
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Effect of haricot bean varieties (Phaseolus vulgaris)- Camelina (Camelina sativa L) intercropping on yield and yield component over monocropping system of Hosanna, Ethiopia

Melaku Bonkola*1, Daniel Manore
Int. J. Biosci.23( 1), 132-140, July 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Cereals-haricot bean intercropping is one of the commonly practiced agronomic practices in Ethiopia. Intercropping is the production of two or more crops simultaneously in both space and time. Field experiments were conducted at Wachemo University main campus experimental field site, from June to October during the years 2022 cropping seasons. The aim of the study was to determine optimum space of intercropping haricot bean into the camelina cropping system under field condition. The experiment was laid out in completely randomize block design with combination of four haricot bean varieties, Local, Nesser, Redwolita and Ibado from Hawassa agriculture center and the four types of spacing for camelina were mono cropping, 40, 60, and 80cm spacing was used as a factor. Soil physico chemical analysis indicated that there was variation before planting and crop harvest. Planting haricot bean simultaneously all among spacing and mono cropping, and camelina was intercropped with haricot bean in the mentioned spacing. Intercropping was assessed on the basis of the performance of the main and component crops indices as grain yield, biomass weight, partial and total LER and competitive indices such as relative crowding coefficient (K), aggressively (A). There was no interaction between camelina and haricot bean varieties planting and spacing intercropping haricot bean in any of the indices studied. The effects of intercropping practice had no significant effects on all the indices considered during the study. But better yield parameters like number of branches, number of pods per pod, number of seeds per pod grain yield, tended to be higher in the Ibado variety and Red wolyta with spacin of camelina 60 and 80 c respectively. The results obtained showed that the greatest intercrop yields of camelina and haricot bean were obtained when both crops were planted at mono. The total land equivalent ratio (LERt) values were not obtained from intercropping of planting of camelina and haricot bean. The results of competitive indices indicate that camelina was the dominant crop in the mixture as measured by the positive values of A. in general as camelina is new emerging crop in the study area and intercropping with legume plants increased yield so that to come with sounding conclusion and recommendation similat works with different agro ecology and years should be done.


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