Seed germination and seedling performance of Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) varieties using vermicompost based potting media

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Research Paper 13/07/2023
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Seed germination and seedling performance of Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) varieties using vermicompost based potting media

Angelina T. Gonzales
Int. J. Biosci.23( 1), 255-261, July 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The research was conducted to determine which among the seven varieties of cacao has a good germination and seedling performance using vermicompost based potting media. Specifically, it was conducted to determine the seed germination and seedling performance of the six varieties of cacao by germination percentage, survival rate, number of developed leaves, seedling height, length of roots, seedling vigor, pest and disease incidence. The research was laid out in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with six treatments and three replications. The treatments were: T1 – BR25, T¬2 – K1, T3 – ICS40, T4 – UF18, T5 – K2, T6 – UIT1. The result showed that there was no significant effect of different cacao varieties using vermicompost as based potting media on the percentage germination at two weeks after sowing; four weeks afters sowing; number of developed leaves and survival rate. However, there were significant differences among the treatment in terms of percentage germination at three weeks after sowing; length of roots; seedling height; leaf area index and stem girth. Based on the result of the study, using the mixed 40% vermicompost, 30% alluvial soil ad 30% sand for cacao seedling propagation especially on K1 variety is recommended. It is further recommended that another trial must be conducted to give more conclusive result; another research and observations must be conducted using different soil media.

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