Fish Biodiversity of Kapotakshma River Upstream, Jashore, Bangladesh

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Research Paper 03/08/2023
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Fish Biodiversity of Kapotakshma River Upstream, Jashore, Bangladesh

Mst. Sharmin Nahar, Abu Selim, Md. Kamrul Islam, Prianka Paul, Md. Sherazul Islam
Int. J. Biosci.23( 2), 60-72, August 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Analyzing fisheries resources and fish biodiversity in rivers is essential, and riverine fisheries play a crucial role in Bangladesh. The Kapotakshma River system is one of the significant river systems in the southwestern region of Bangladesh. This investigation was conducted to evaluate the fish diversity, seasonal distribution, and abundance of this river’s headwaters. The sampling was conducted monthly from January to December 2021 at five stations spanning 45 kilometers upstream of the river with the assistance of professional fishermen. Sixty-seven (67) finfish were documented, consisting of 63 indigenous and 4 non-native species. The fish specimens were categorized into 11 orders, 22 families, and 46 genera. The Cyprinidae family emerged as the most prevalent among the indigenous fish species, with a total of 16,694 individuals, representing 35.44% of the recorded species, followed by Anabantidae, with 5,555 individuals making up 11.79%, and Ambassidae, with a count of 4,498 individuals comprising 9.55%. The diversity indices such as the Simpson index of diversity (1-D), Shanon-Weiner index (H), and Margalef index showed higher values at most downstream sampling sites (S5). A significant number of species were found, particularly during the monsoon season. Conversely, fewer fish species were present during the winter and dry seasons, resulting in lower biodiversity index values. These findings are significant as they provide the first-ever assessment of fish diversity in the Kapotakshma River, which will aid in the management and further research of the riverine fisheries in the country.

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