Sericulture: A productive and profitable livelihood in a rural community in Northern Philippines

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Sericulture: A productive and profitable livelihood in a rural community in Northern Philippines

Conchita M. Almojuela, Roberto H. Ancheta, Emerita D. Galiste, Gerardo P. Dacayanan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.23( 4), 87-99, October 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The best sericulture technologies were tested in Calungbuyan, Balaoan, La Union, Philippines by the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University Sericulture Research and Development Institute (DMMMSU-SRDI) to improve the socio-economic standing of marginal farmers, provide community members with gainful employment, and satisfy domestic and international costumers’ demand for silk. The project applied various production strategies, such as plot sapling production, mulberry production in the lowland rain-fed area, and synchronized and sanitized silkworm rearing. The farmer cooperator reared 50 batches of silkworms consisting of 51.10 boxes of fourth-instar larvae from 2011 to 2020, which consumed approximately 27,898 kg of fresh mulberry leaves with a total production cost of PHP 149,640.63. With an average cocoon yield of 20.85 kg per box, the total yield of fresh cocoons was 1,065.60 kg which amounted to PHP 185,178.00. An average ROI of 20.36% was achieved with a total net income of PHP 35,537.38. Along with producing cocoons, additional income from fuel wood and mulberry saplings was obtained, with a total production cost of PHP 12,160.00 and an ROI of 72.70%. Sapling production, composting of seri-wastes, and utilization of clipped mulberry stems were examples of by-product development. Composted silkworm rearing wastes and litter are used as fertilizer for mulberry plantations and media for mushroom production. Family members and community people were hired by the project for a total of 134.01 and 341.71 man-days, respectively. The revenue generated from cocoon production was used to supplement basic requirements for the family, pay the farm workers, and buy medicines. A portion of the cash was used by the farmer to purchase agricultural equipment and more breeding animals to enhance outputs even more. These SRDI best practices have been proven to raise agricultural income and production.

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