Assessment of the role of farmers associations in enhancing access to agricultural credit for smallholder crop farmers in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

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Research Paper 05/01/2024
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Assessment of the role of farmers associations in enhancing access to agricultural credit for smallholder crop farmers in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

PO. Ologidi, PE. Kainga
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.24( 1), 1-8, January 2024.
Certificate: IJAAR 2024 [Generate Certificate]


This study assesses the crucial role played by farmers associations in facilitating access to agricultural credit for smallholder crop farmers in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Collection of primary data from 150 members of MAAN- Maize Association of Nigeria and 150 non-members both randomly selected from 3 intentionally selected Local Government Areas (Yenagoa, Sagbama and Ogbia), Utilizing a combination of Z-test and Logistic regression for the analysis. The investigation revealed the mean credit access for members of (MAAN) to be N 65,480 and non-members as N 32,333.33 with a difference of N 33,146, standard deviation of4,690.59 for members and non-members 6,538.25. The logistic regression results noted that age, gender, farming experience, Membership of Association and access through association all have significant effect on credit access while education, farm size, household size, farm size and total income does not have significant effect on credit access. The study recommends the promotion of the formation of farmers associations, special attention should be given to gender credit issues, the need for collaborative efforts between farmers associations, financial institutions and policymakers to further enhance credit access.

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