Knowledge, attitudes and nursing practices on hemophilia in the university clinic of pediatrics and genetics

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Research Paper 11/07/2024
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Knowledge, attitudes and nursing practices on hemophilia in the university clinic of pediatrics and genetics

Fah Lauris, Djaboutou Kafuyemon Ismanth, Dougnon Victorien, Klotoe Jean Robert, Assogba Phénix, Agbodjento Eric, Koudokpon Hornel, Legba Boris, Soha Arnaud, Deguenon Esther, Hounsa Edna, Fabiyi Kafayath, Sintondji Kevin
Int. J. Micro. Myco.19( 1), 1-6, July 2024.
Certificate: IJMM 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Hemophilia is a disease caused by a deficiency of the coagulation factors VIII and IV. It is a rare bleeding disorder characterized by abnormal blood coagulation. It manifests itself in deep bleeding, notably hemarthrosis and hematoma, as well as external hemorrhage. The aim of this study is to evaluate the management of hemophilia among the nursing staff of the University Clinic of Pediatrics and Medical Genetics of this center. This disease was the subject of a semi-directed survey in the University Clinic of Pediatrics and Medical Genetics of the CNHU-HKM, where 36 nurses on duty were surveyed. The majority of respondents were between 40 and 50 years old. 55.26% were female, with the majority (68.42) having been on duty for 5 years. Half (54.11%) of those surveyed were unaware of the different types of haemophilia. Finally, 21.05% of staff surveyed had little knowledge of the consequences of hemophilia. This study confirms the need to educate nurses about this rare disease. There is the need to formulate suggestions with a view to strengthening nursing skills in this area.


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