The influence of storage practices on aflatoxin contamination of maize in Babati district of Tanzania

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Research Paper 10/09/2024
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The influence of storage practices on aflatoxin contamination of maize in Babati district of Tanzania

Joseph Runyogote, Chacha Nyangi
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.25( 3), 23-33, September 2024.
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Aflatoxin levels were determined in a total of 816 stored maize samples throughout two seasons (576 in season 1 and 240 in season 2) from three villages in Babati District, Northern Tanzania. Questionnaires were used at each sampling unit to evaluate maize storage practices, storage structures, pest problems in storage, and farmer’s solutions, including chemical treatments, maize storage form, and duration of storage, sorting practices, and source of samples. Quantification for total aflatoxin was done using an Enzyme-Linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Reveal AccuScan® Neogen, USA), and the results were confirmed using a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS). A total of 38% and 81% of maize samples were positive for aflatoxin from long village in seasons 1 and 2, respectively, while from Sabilo village we had 14% and 89% of positive samples, and from Seloto village 28% and 99% of positive samples from seasons 1 and 2, respectively. Drying maize on a raised platform, sorting out physically damaged and infected grains, storage for 6 months, use of improved bags for maize storage, and application of chemical insecticides during storage were practices found to reduce aflatoxin contamination. The findings from this study suggest that several post-harvest practices can be adopted by farmers to reduce/control aflatoxin development in maize and other crops.

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