Comparative effect of five compost types on growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) on a Ferric Acrisol in Ghana

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Comparative effect of five compost types on growth and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) on a Ferric Acrisol in Ghana

Acheampong Boakye, Kodwo Miezah, Henry Tuffour, Enoch Bessah, Francis Kemausour
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.25( 3), 34-46, September 2024.
Certificate: IJAAR 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The effect of compost application on maize (Zea mays L.) growth and yields was studied on a Ferric Acrisol in the semi-deciduous rainforest zone of Ghana. Five different composting formulations were done to assess their effect on growth and yields of maize. The compost materials consisting of municipal solid waste (MSW), Pig dung and Goat dung (feedstock-amendment ratios) were composted over a 12-weeks period under mesophilic (<50 ℃) and thermophilic (>50 ℃) stages using windrow composting approach. The compost treatments were; T1 (100% mesophilic stage), T2 (100% thermophilic stage), T3 (50% mesophilic and 50% thermophilic stage), T4 (80% thermophilic stage) and T5 (80% mesophilic stage). Plot size measuring 3 m × 4 m were demarcated. Improved maize (Obatanpa) was planted in April and September, 2020 at spacing of 80 cm × 40 cm. Compost recommended application rates of 5 t/ha of each compost treatment were applied to the experimental plots two weeks after planting with three replications in a randomized complete block design. Compost treatment two (T2) significantly (p≤0.05) recorded the highest N, at the end of the composting period. Results showed that compost treatment two (T2)   treated plots significantly (p≤0.05) recorded the highest grain yields of 4.4 t/ha and 3.62 t/ha during the major and minor cropping season. These findings suggest that, compost treatment two (T2: 100% thermophilic stage) composting approach had short-term effects on nutrient supply, can be used by smallholder farmers to address soil fertility decline, improve nutrient availability and enhanced growth and yields of maize.

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