Effect of bokashi fertilizer and banana peel slurry on certified pepper seed production in Benin

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Research Paper 07/10/2024
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Effect of bokashi fertilizer and banana peel slurry on certified pepper seed production in Benin

Ibouraïman Balogoun, Mahougnon Charlotte Carmelle Zoundji, Pascal Gbenou, Ladékpo Sylvain Ogoudjobi, Dorcas Gbossou, KévilleViané Marin Sèwano Gnanguenon, Zayyane Hicham Idriss Nourou Deen Ouorou KonniguI, Appolinaire Adandonon
Int. J. Biosci.25( 4), 158-168, October 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


The pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) is one of the most widely consumed fruiting vegetables in Benin. However, its production is faced with numerous problems, including declining yields and poor farming practices. The aim of this study was to produce certified pepper seed using organic fertilizers in the commune of Kétou. The study took place on the application farm on the Akpotokou university campus. A Randomized Complete Block design with three replicates and three treatments was used. The treatments were: a relative control (T0: 1 kg NPK two weeks after transplanting, 1 kg Urea+K2SO4 four weeks after transplanting); bokashi fertilizer (T1: 30 kg bokashi per plot unit each month) and slurry from banana peel (T2: 1/2 liter of slurry from banana peel per plot unit). A dose of 300 g of a compost was applied to all treatments two weeks before transplanting. Results showed that organic fertilization with bokashi significantly (P < 0.01) improved pepper plant growth compared with other fertilizers.On the other hand, organic fertilization with banana peel slurry produced the exact same number of fruit as bokashi, while chemical fertilization produced fewer fruit than the other two. Slurry and bokashi gave the highest fruit yields (2.8 t/ha and 2.7 t/ha respectively). The highest seed weight of 10 fruits was obtained in plants fertilized with bokashi (5.53 g). This study shows the contribution of organic fertilizers (bokashi or slurry) to better certified pepperproduction.

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