Fungal endophytic communities in Tribulus terrestris L. collected from the delta region of Tamil Nadu, South India

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Research Paper 08/10/2024
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Fungal endophytic communities in Tribulus terrestris L. collected from the delta region of Tamil Nadu, South India


Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris L.) is an annual, silky herb plant belonging to the Zygophyllaceae family widely distributed around the world. Small woody Plant, leaves are compound and opposite and fruit have long, sharp and strong spines. The leaf, root and fruit of the plant have been utilized medicinally in traditionally Ayurvedic medicine, Siddha and Unani for their phytochemical and pharmacological activities. An assemblage of endophytic fungi was isolated from Tribulus terrestris L. collected from the Delta Region of Tamil Nadu, India. Fungal endophytes were isolated using leaf surface sterilization standard methods. Thirty-one species and 21 (genus) endophytic fungal strains were isolated from the leaves, petioles and stems of Tribulus terrestris. The identification of fungal strain through morphological observation from standard manuals and showed that fungal endophytes were associated with host plants belonging to a few taxons of Alternaria, Cladosporium, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Curvularia, Fusarium and Phyllosticta capitalensis fungi that were frequently isolated. The endophytic fungus   Fusarium oxysporum was the dominant species in this study; it was isolated from host plant samples during wet and dry seasons.

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