Identification and management of gastro-intestinal parasites of ibaka native chicken using different anthelmintic herbal plants

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Research Paper 10/02/2025
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Identification and management of gastro-intestinal parasites of ibaka native chicken using different anthelmintic herbal plants

Roldan D. Sawadan, Auggie W. Oandasan, Vilma B. Alupani, Kennedy C. Cabildo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.26( 2), 163-170, February 2025.
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Many farmers are challenged in the infestations of various parasites in chicken production. Thus, they use chemically produced drugs for its management. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of different anthelmintic herbal plants against gastrointestinal parasites on improved native chicken. Twenty-four chickens were used in in vivo and sixty adult roundworms in the in vitro study divided into four treatments replicated thrice. Results showed that species of parasites identified were Ascaridia galli and Capillaria spp. In terms of Fecal Egg Count Reduction (FECR), Treatment 2 (Ipil-ipil) recorded the highest percentage of 84.30 higher than the control treatment with 81. 30%, Treatment 4 (Betel Nut) with 70.25% and Treatment 3 (Papaya) with 56.82%. On the other hand, significant result on the motility assay of adult roundworms was detected. Ipil-ipil aqueous extract (Treatment 2) is highly effective in killing adult worms with a motility score of 0.94 comparable to the control treatment (Commercial dewormer) with 1.00. The other treatments are not effective. Lastly, birds in all treatments showed an increased in their body weights that ranges from 121 g – 235.50 g after 28 days of administering the dewormers. It is therefore concluded that Ipil-ipil aqueous extract is the most effective in reducing EPG of parasites and highly effective in killing adult roundworms as compared with other treatments. In terms of gain in weights, as the EPG decreases, weight gain of the birds increases.

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