Effect of planting methods and different source of N fertilizer on some agronomic characters in rice (Vr. BRRI dhan 39)

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Research Paper 01/11/2012
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Effect of planting methods and different source of N fertilizer on some agronomic characters in rice (Vr. BRRI dhan 39)

M. Nasiruddin, M. F. Alam
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.2( 11), 8-15, November 2012.
Certificate: IJAAR 2012 [Generate Certificate]


Proper planting methods are important for crop establishment and fertilizer has a beneficial effect on soil physical properties. Keeping this in view a study was carried out at biological science research field, Rajshahi University campus during June to October 2000 to evaluate the planting methods and different N fertilizer effect on yield and yield contributing characters of BRRI dhan 39. Three planting methods and two N fertilizer materials with no fertilizer treatment using split plot block design with three replications. The results demonstrated that direct seedling line sowing and transplanting produced significantly higher yield components and grain yields. Grain and grain straw yields of BRRI dhan 39 were increased due to different N fertilizer treatment and highest value was recorded with the application of pilled urea in the direct seedling line sowing and transplanting methods that of direct seedling broadcasting methods respectively. The harvest index and straw yield were also higher for the line sowing than broadcast sowing. Fertilizer helps to increase the plant height, straw dry matter, grain weight and fertile tiller number.

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