Multiple shoot proliferation in Tridax procumbens L. through in vitro method

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Multiple shoot proliferation in Tridax procumbens L. through in vitro method

Shirin Jesmin, Md. Abdul Qayum Sarker, M. Firoz Alam
Int. J. Biosci.3( 7), 177-187, July 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was performed to find out an efficient in vitro multiple shoot proliferation method for Tridax procumbens L. using shoot tip and nodal segment cultured in Murashige and Skoog’s (MS) medium. Dipping in 0.1% HgCl2 was most effective for surface sterilization of explants. Among the different growth regulators, maximum number of shoot proliferation per culture was observed in MS medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminopirine (BAP) and Nodal segments are more responsive for micropropagation than shoot tip explants. Micro cuttings were rooted most effectively in half MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l Indole-3-butaric acid (IBA). Propagated plantlets were successfully acclimatized in soil and more than 90% of the transplanted clones were survived.


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