Biochemical Changes in Patients with Chronic kidney FailureIn Relation to Complete Blood Count and Anemia

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Research Paper 01/01/2020
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Biochemical Changes in Patients with Chronic kidney FailureIn Relation to Complete Blood Count and Anemia

Muhammad Naeem, Arsalan Ashraf, Hafiz Muhammad Zeshan Safdar, Mahnoor Qayyum Khan, Shuja Ur Rehman, Rimsha Iqbal, Mohsin Raza, Jabir Ali, Ghafoor Ahmad
Int. J. Biosci.16( 1), 267-271, January 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Erythropoietin is a hormone made by kidney. Kidneys do not secrete erythropoietin when they get damaged and bone marrow makes a smaller number of red blood cells. Red blood cells indices assist in diagnosis to find out cause of anemia and to evaluate patient response to dialysis. The aim of this research was to assess RBCs indices that include MCV, MCHC & MCH in patients with Chronic Renal Failure. A descriptive study conducted about 100 patients from Nishtar Hospital and Medical University, Multan. 2-3 ml of blood was drawn from patients of CKD prior to dialysis. Data analyzed by using statistical software such as SPSS 21. Out of 100 patients, 70% were males and 30% were females diagnosed with advanced chronic renal failure. Mean age data was 46.17 years. The mean value of MCV, MCHC & MCH was 76.05, 31.06 & 27.67 respectively. The values of MCV and MCHC were lower than the reference ranges (80-90fL and 33.3-35.5g/dL respectively) but the value of MCH lies within the reference range (27-33pg) in patients with chronic renal failure.


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