Efficacy of different essential oils, fungicides and biocontrol agents against Aspergillus niger the causal agent of fruit rot in Pomegranate

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Research Paper 01/03/2020
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Efficacy of different essential oils, fungicides and biocontrol agents against Aspergillus niger the causal agent of fruit rot in Pomegranate

Ghulam Hussain Jatoi, Shar Muhammad, Wazir Ali Metlo, Laith Khalil Tawfeeq Al-Ani, Haseenullah, Manzoor Ali Abro, Muswar Ali Gadhi, Naveed Wahid Awan, Manzoor Ahmed Reki
Int. J. Biosci.16( 3), 51-65, March 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Different essential oils, fungicides and biocontrol agents against Aspergillus niger the causal agent of fruit rot in pomegranate. The importance of survey and sampling were done and the pathogenicity test against Aspergillus niger was performed. The antifungal potential of different essential oils like Laung, Turpentine, Castus root, Neem, Gulab and Khashkhas was carried out at different doses i.e. 5% 10% and 15% find out the effective oil for the growth inhibition of Aspergillus niger effect of some fungicides viz., Melodyduo, Topsin-M, Prevail, Antracol, and Cabriotop against the causal pathogen by food poisoning method at 3 different concentration (100, 200, 300 ppm). Disease incidence was recorded in Killi Oryagi (40%) followed by Killi Murtath (20%), Killi Pattankot (18%) and Killi Zangiwal (14%). Minimum disease incidence was recorded in Killi Lashti (8%). Injection method of inoculation showed a higher percentage of rotting (7.0%) as compared to the cut method of inoculation (4.05%). Minimum colony growth of Aspergillus niger (0.10, 0.20 and 0.30%) examined Laung at the dosage Turpentine (57.33, 45.52 and 25.13%), Gulab (41.50, 35.50 and 29.50%), Castus root (65.57, 44.45 and 32.96%), Neem oil (45.00, 42.00 and 37.00%) Maximum colony growth of Aspergillus niger (49.00, 45.00 and 41.00%) was observed Minimum linear colony growth of Aspergillus niger as observed for Prevail (13.20, 4.72 and 0.25%) at various concentrations respectively followed by Topsin-M (28.50, 20.50 and 11.50%), Cabriotop (33.00, 26.50 and 13.50%), Antracol (49.84, 33.54 and 21.96%), Alliete (44.09, 32.65 and 22.83%) and maximum growth of fungus were determined under Melodyduo (57.16, 45.31 and 37.42%). The fungus growth was observed up to 90% under control.

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