A study on cytotoxicity and genotoxicity induced by egg yellow color (an artificial food color) using Artemia salina and Allium cepa models

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Research Paper 01/12/2020
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A study on cytotoxicity and genotoxicity induced by egg yellow color (an artificial food color) using Artemia salina and Allium cepa models

Sumon Chandro Mohanto, Farjana Binta Omar, Ajmeri Sultana Shimu, Sumon Karmakar, Ratna Khatun, Khandaker Md. Khalid-Bin-Ferdaus, Md Abu Reza
Int. J. Biosci.17( 6), 529-537, December 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Food adulteration is a major problem throughout the world where food items are being processed indiscriminately using excessive amount of artificial food colors. Consequently, consumers are suffering from various physical complications. The present study was aimed to investigate the hazardous impacts of egg yellow food color through cytotoxicity assay in Artemia salina and genotoxicity assay in Allium cepa models. Two different doses of egg yellow food color were selected including high dose: 30 mg/L and low dose: 15 mg/L. Toxicity level of egg yellow food color was checked out through cytotoxicity assay using A. salina model. High dose showed severe toxicity where 87.67% of larvae died (survival rate 12.33%), low dose showed moderate toxicity where 50.66% larvae were alive but in the control group, 98.66% larvae survived. Root growth inhibition assay of A. cepa was conducted after 72 hours of root germination where high dose significantly inhibited root growth compared to the control. Mitotic indexing (MI) was performed and several mitotic abnormalities including disrupted prophase, irregular anaphase, anaphase bridge, polyploidy, nuclear destruction, star metaphase, sticky metaphase, and anaphase with bridge, nuclear blebbing, nuclear notch etc were found. MI decreased significantly when treated with high dose than low dose compared to the control group. The findings of this study suggest that excessive consumption of egg yellow food color should be controlled immediately by making laws with proper implementation and social awareness.

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