Socio-economic status and conservation practices of the Cagayan River Bivalve gatherers in one municipality of the Philippines

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Research Paper 01/05/2020
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Socio-economic status and conservation practices of the Cagayan River Bivalve gatherers in one municipality of the Philippines

Robert G. Carbonell
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 5), 57-67, May 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


With the rising pressure of urbanization to biodiversity, this study aimed to obtain baseline information on the socio-economic profile of the Cagayan Bivalve gatherers, their fishing practices, conservational practices and awareness of environmental protection ordinances. Descriptive-survey method of research was employed in this study. Findings showed that the bivalves gatherers were in their middle adulthood, high school graduates, compose of 4-6 members in every household, with the father as prime gatherer; mother as the seller. Most of the bivalve gatherers earn an income of Php 4,501-Php 6,500 monthly with an average harvest of 3-5 sacks per harvest per group using their own harvesting equipment or tool. Furthermore, most of the bivalve gatherers live in a rough finish bungalow with farming as their other source of income. Moreover, the most abundant species collected in the Cagayan River is bennek or tulya with the use of improvised catching nets. The peak of harvest is from the months of March to May. Almost everybody gathers daily in their own and neighbouring towns. Some of the bivalve gatherers take a bath daily and sometimes wash clothes and only a few throw their garbage in the river. Although most of them bury dead animals, some still construct piggery and/or near the riverbank and connect their drainage to the river. The harvest of the gatherers is sold either wholesale and retail mode in the market, neighbourhood and to other buyers who sell to other towns during market days, while small ones are being made into vinutong or in the form of “narnar” (unshelled). The bivalve gatherers are aware that not all existing municipal ordinances are implemented. The study presents policy recommendations for sustainable supply of bivalves in Cagayan River.

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