Effect of Adlai (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) roots on small ruminants naturally infected with gastrointestinal helminth parasites and Coccidia

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Research Paper 01/08/2020
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Effect of Adlai (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) roots on small ruminants naturally infected with gastrointestinal helminth parasites and Coccidia

Niña Mae R. Villar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.17( 2), 37-47, August 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Parasites pose a significant threat to the health of small ruminants. Natural products such as Adlai roots have anthelmintic potentials. The study aimed to determine the Anthelmintic potential to the small ruminants. A total of 12 goats and sheep regardless of sex and age were used in the study and randomly distributed into four (4) Treatments with Three (3) replications following Randomized Complete Block Design. There were four different levels of Treatments. Treatment 1 as the control, Treatment 2 (100ml of Adlai roots decoction), Treatment 3 (150ml of Adlai roots decoction), and Treatment 4 (200ml of Adlai roots decoction). Freshly excreted feces were collected and placed in plastic cups and immediately examined through Modified Mc Master Test to evaluate the Anthelmintic activity of the designated treatments. The evaluation criteria were based on the frequency counts of egg parasites and oocysts per 2 grams of feces under different treatments. Results were analyzed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) of Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). Tukey’s test was used to compare treatment means showing significant difference. Statistical results were non-significant among Treatment means in all of the parameters except for the strongylid counts for the month of April which showed significant difference among treatment mean at (P< 0.05) where sheep treated with Treatment 4 (200ml of Adlai roots decoction). Adlai roots decoction has anti-parasitic activity.

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