Improving castor (Ricinus communis) productivity through different sowing schedules and genotypes under rainfed condition

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Research Paper 01/08/2020
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Improving castor (Ricinus communis) productivity through different sowing schedules and genotypes under rainfed condition

K. Kalaichelvi
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.17( 2), 8-11, August 2020.
Certificate: IJAAR 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Field experiment was conducted at Tapioca and Castor Research Station during 2014 -15 on evaluation of different sowing schedules (August, September, October and November) and varieties/ hybrids (DCS -107, DCH – 177, GCH – 7 and YRCH – 1) in castor. Among the sowing dates, sowing of castor at 2nd fortnight of August has recorded significantly higher kernel yield (705.8kg/ha) followed by September (497.0kg/ha) over October and November sown plots due to deficit in rainfall. Among the varieties/hybrids tested GCH7 has recorded significantly higher mean kernel yield (597.7kg/ha) in all dates of sowing over other genotypes. GCH7 and DCH 177 have recorded significantly higher kernel yield by taking sowing during 2nd fortnight of August (1046 and 927.6kg/ha).

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