Effect of changing weather on success of wedge and veneer grafting and chlorophyll content in mango cv. Sufaid Chaunsa

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Effect of changing weather on success of wedge and veneer grafting and chlorophyll content in mango cv. Sufaid Chaunsa

Sidra Kiran, Allah Bakhsh, Javed Iqbal, Atif Iqbal, Samad Raza, Niaz Ahmad, Muhammad Arif Ali, Subhan Danish
Int. J. Biosci.14( 2), 91-99, February 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is cross-pollinated and allopolyploid fruiting tree. It is necessary to keep such fruit true-to-type via asexual propagation (grafting). However, a significant decline in the success of grafting in mango seedlings under changing weathering conditions has become one of a major problem for the farming community. Therefore, current study was conducted with aim to synchronize the time and type of commonly used grafting techniques in mango. For experiment Mangifera indica L. cv. Sufaid Chaunsa seedlings were grafted by wedge (WG) and veneer grafting (VG) techniques in different seasons i.e. in months of August, September and October. The meteorological data (temperature and humidity) was collected to examine the effect of the changes in temperature and humidity. Results confirmed that WG was better and significant in August as compared to VG in the success of Sufaid Chaunsa grafting on seedling mangoes. However, VG remained better and significant in October as compared to WG. Likewise, similar kind of improvement was noted in 1st sprout of leaf, height of seedlings and number of leaves. A significant improvement in chlorophyll a (24.1%), total chlorophyll (24.7%) and anthocyanin (44.6%) validated that August season is the best for WG. It is concluded that the month of August with described temperature and humidity is the best time for WG, while October is better for VG of Sufaid Chaunsa on rootstocks of Desi mango.

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