Effects of the thermic treatment of the retam honey in the El- Oued region on some physical and chemical properties

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Research Paper 01/07/2019
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Effects of the thermic treatment of the retam honey in the El- Oued region on some physical and chemical properties

Djilani Ghemam Amara, Alia Zaid, Kharraz Khaled, Khezzane Khadidja, Lakhan Latifa, Mesbahi Mohammed Adel, Rebiai Abdelkrim
Int. J. Biosci.15( 1), 353-360, July 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The purpose of this study is to study the effect of heat treatment on the physiochemical characteristics of the honey sample of the plant retam taken from Oued Souf region for the season 2018 , In this we have studied the properties of ( acidity, Colour, hydroxy methyl forural (HMF), total phenols and flavonoids, anti-oxidant activity). based on the methods of the Spectrophotometer, After exposing equal amounts of honey to the frozen at -18c°, and heat at 50 °C, 70c° and 90C°, they heated them for a period of half hour and a period four and a half hours. The results show that all samples of different, which have been heated at different temperatures or freezing at -18 ° C over a period of time has differences between pH values at 4 and 1/2 hours, 30 minutes. its pH and ranged in value between ​​between (4.4 – 4.5) and (4.4 – 5.03), respectively. Besides, it was found that the more the temperatures get increased and the duration of heating, the more total acidity and color intensity increased, too. Where it reached The total acidity value at 90 c° in the heat for 4.5 hours (37.5) and 30 minutes (30)mg/kg. While the color intensity reached 136.96, 112.84, respectively. The results showed that heat or cooling treatment increased the hydroxy Mithil Fororal content ( 138.68;67mg/kg) and the content of secondary metabolites total phenols (530.5, 268.3 mg/kg)and flavonoids(32.2, 30.1mg/kg )as well as the antioxidant activity against the DPPH. Where the values of each of them respectively at 4.5 hours and 30 minutes. The degree and duration of heating affect the properties of honey. Any failure to ensure health quality.

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