A correlational study on laboratory facilities availability and academic performance in biology

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Research Paper 01/12/2022
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A correlational study on laboratory facilities availability and academic performance in biology

Iroriteraye-Adjekpovu Janice Imizuokena
Int. J. Biosci.21( 6), 29-33, December 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


This study sought to investigate the relationship existing between laboratory facility availability and students’ academic performance in Biology across Secondary School in Ethiope East L.G.A., of Delta State, Nigeria. In the course of this study, three research questions were developed and three null hypotheses were formulated. The study used was delimited to senior secondary schools two (SSII) because it is at this stage students are being exposed to practical activities that require the usage of laboratory facilities and equipment. A descriptive survey design was used while the sample of the study was made up of one hundred and three (103) respondents. The study employed a questionnaire as an instrument to gather data. The data collected was analysis Chi-square and t-test statistics. The results revealed a significant difference in academic performance of students having fairly adequate laboratory facilities in their school compared to those with in school having inadequate laboratory facilities for biology practical. Difference was also recorded in terms of the performance of male and female students in biology. No significant difference was obtained in the supplies of biology laboratory facilities in private schools and those in public schools. It was suggested that science/biology laboratory facilities should be provided to biology teachers to enable them to know how to handle the facilities.

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