A study on physiological, anatomical characterization of selected radish plant

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Research Paper 01/03/2020
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A study on physiological, anatomical characterization of selected radish plant

K. Waqas, M. Shabir, MU. Nabi, RZ. Zulfiqar, A. Mansoor, M. Abubakar, M. Hussain, A. Nawaz, A. Saira, S. Bano, Q. Farooq, M. Shakir
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 3), 65-69, March 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


A pot experiment was conducted in the old Botanical Garden at University of Agriculture, Faisalabad to analyze and check the impact of nickel sulphate effect by on radish plant. One variety of radish (Raphanus sativus) Mooli Day-40 was grown under nickel sulphate solution. Varying concentration of nickel sulphate (10, 20, 30mM) was applied. All the morphological parameters were studied e.g. chlorophyll a, b, and carotenoids. Ni effect significantly reduced the growth attributes. Results were described after data recording and statistical analysis by using latest computer software packages. A marked drop in all morpho-physiological attributes in relation to biochemical attributes chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b were reduced while a subsequent elevation was observed in carotenoid.

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